Tuesday, June 07, 2005

Blog envy

There's this girl from my school, she's excellent. She used to live round the corner from me, her mum and my mine were mates, we walked to school together and attended church together in what was for both of us less secular times.

She's in Edinburgh, and last Wednesday we met up at some awful establishment function that made the inner child go ballistic. I don't know if this happens to anyone else but stick me in a room full of stuffy phnah phnar networkers chatting to chums and suddenly I am back to my thirteen year old Julie. Desperate to have a fag in the loo, accidentally pop out a boob, be as outrageous as I possibly can just to kick back against the confines of it all. This urge came over whilst chatting to a man who used to run gentlemen clubs. I resisted the urge to pull his hair and chat up his wife in partial retribution for the fact I couldn't have entered his establishments.

He very snottily told me John Prescott wouldn't have been welcome when I mentioned my work background. Tempting as it was to say, 'look you pompous little ferret I am sure the Deputy Prime Minister has a bit more going on in his life than to sob over the fact your elitist pretentious little place wouldn't stick out a mat for him', I resisted. Naturally that part of the evening wasn't much fun at all. All that resisting.

Luckily aforementioned school chum, Jane to those who know her, took me back to her flat post bash where we necked a bottle of wine and chatted to her tecky and utterly charming housemates. One of whom is Jane's fella Neil and has a faux blog written about him.

Now Neil wants this blog taken down. Neil thinks the piss taking has gone a bit far and the fact his mate writes a blog under his name is becoming something of a diminishing giggle.

I however am so vain that I had blog envy. Not content with being mildly green over the blogs that make 'blogs we've noticed recently' on this site, or blogs that make their authors millions on others, now I have blogs not even written by you about you to add to my list. Other than political hacks with over zealous researchers trying to get out the 'yoof vote' during election time, who else I wondered could be so fortunate? Neil is naturally the right answer

So if any of you have so little to do you wanted to add writing as me to your list, I want you to know that no matter how rude you were, no matter how much you took the piss, no matter how venomous your idle fingers fancied being... I would love it! I know that doesn't say much about me and it's bad impression management to admit as much, but it's true.


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