Thursday, May 26, 2005

Is this fate?

I speak to Dame Mavis, my mentor on all things housing, she says 'darling, you can do that job, it's made for you', only without the darling, before agreeing to be a reference. Can't get better than the woman who headed housing for the UK Government and now heads the mega department that includes it. I love her, she's such an inspiration to me on so many levels.

I call the recruitment guy and say 'Are there strong internal candidates?' i.e. look, let's cut to the chase - is it a shoo-in? He says 'you're asking albeit subtly if it's a shoo-in, no it isn't, would be suprised if any internal candidates, all to play for baby' Only without the baby.

Suddenly everythings on it's head and I'm aquiver in a way I haven't been about a job prospect for a very long time.


Blogger Xprints said...

gee whizz.... did you get it? how exciting! tell more!

1:17 am  
Blogger The Gypsy said...

no not yet, just gor endoresement from my mentor to apply - closing date next friday, been knee deep in person specs / job descriptiosn etc lately!


12:28 pm  

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