Love Shack Baby
Rebecca Loos and Callum Best head to the love shack. Abi Titmus gets a taste of her own medicine. Paul (who is he?) ups his lad credentials following the 'great boobs / nice curve / I love your pot belly' charm and tries to start a fight with any of the other boys whilst hammered... Liz (from atomic kitten, I love her) declares she wants to be a lesbian and all the girls confess to having kissed other girls... Can telly get any more exciting I wonder?
Beats real life that's for sure. My bosses are driving me nuts. The publication date has been delayed. I fight the urge to say 'stop faffing and do some bloody work' on a daily basis. The fact that they are constantly babying me, giving me bugger all autonomy and asking for updates every five minutes is distinctly irritating given they seem to be overdosing on coffee and strategy meetings themselves. I am working my arse off and wondering why a lot, not helped by the fact the one of them not my friend can't seem to refrain from making bitchy and undermining comments on a daily basis, whether this is intentional I have no idea, but suffice to say it's not seeming worth the hundred quid a week at the moment, and the chances of me fancying staying on to get involved in the longer term are currently about 1% during an optimistic spell.
However things are getting sexier on the invite front. Since I informed you about being invited to the launch of a holiday cottage, and since I attended the launch of some Scottish history videos (stop quivering with envy!) the invites have been flooding in thick and fast. I am off to the Scottish film awards on Sunday (I know that sounds like a contradiction in terms, but obviously such a thing exists) which sadly means a day with the bikers at a Harley Davidson event is woefully off the cards. (!)
Sadly the launch of the New Rover Sport clashed with Jo's softball and celebrity love island, but I think we'll be going to the outstanding venues of Scotland launch which unsuprisingly is being held in an outstanding venue.
No false eyelashes, haute couture clothing or Chanel freebies as yet, but we're on the mailing list for Molton Brown new products, although I suspect I'd be last in the queue to get any and they'll arrive post me in any case. But I live in hope.
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