Sunday, May 08, 2005

I love my family

There is a whole blog coming on Classical music. (The words culture and vulture will in fact do!) But I must slip in my line of the week from my 83 year old Nan in Prague.

Mid Vivaldi / Bach concert, Nan asks (pretty loudly for a woman with her frailty), 'is there anything to suck on round here?'. The man in front turns round, sees her faded beauty but realises he doesn't want to do an Ashton Kutcher.

Mum and I are suddenly back in the land of school assemblies. Unable to look at each other, for fear the head violinist with come down and beat us with his big stick for giggling uncontrollably and snorting just a little more than you would expect from two such glamorously attired concert-goers.


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