Thursday, September 22, 2005

Love it Hate it

My team get hammered by a Minister today. Not what she expected, not up to scratch, pull your socks up.

My boss says afterwards 'you know that 4 day week thing, any chance, tomorrow....'

I know, I'd been thinking the same, there's 4 of us on an agenda bigger than anything else the department is doing. There's no space for 4 day weeks, even the boss is working late, starting early. Sometimes.

I'll see what I can do, but am pretty resigned to, bar the odd day already booked somewhere else, working like a bugger from now until Christmas.

I get a call at half six 'could you come and brief the Deputy Prime minister at 8.45, he's doing Trevor MacDonald'. It's a rhetorical question. There is only one answer.

'Righto, just sending across the briefing pack'
168 pages later my printer runs out of paper and the boy in the office who's job it is to do absolutely nothing except for refuse to do anything well, or anything at all really, appears to have locked the stationary cupboard on his way out. It's initative, I'll give him that, but a bugger when I'm searching for paper.
20 minutes later I'm back in business.
I call the DPM's office, 'um, this briefing pack, am I supposed to be able to answer questions on it all, I know bugger all about demolitions in salford for example you know?'
'well, um, yes, you are the full briefing team'
'righto, excellent, see you in the morning then'.

Taken a few minutes out of page 83 to write this.
Better get back.
Love it, hate it.


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