Back to basics
This web site is supposed to be a good old gossip, here's what going on in my love life site. Somewhere amidst celebrity love island, seeking out mentors, getting new jobs and starting new blog sites, i forgot that.
So, to the chase.
I went to Bali looking for answers.
I found them.
They were harder than I wanted to hear.
They offered choices.
Tough choices.
But choices none the less.
I'm lucky, I have more of them.
But I made mine first time round.
And got them spot on.
sweetie, I don't know how you find the energy for mutliple blogs, and I'm finding this one hard to follow! Do I need to read the other(s) too?
you don't have to read anything you don't want to. But if you do want to read the other one you'd better reveal yourself. xxxx
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