Monday, August 01, 2005

Thank You

My friends and family have a habit of blowing me away. Whilst I've been impoverished and a bit unsettled they've rallied round no end. 'Can I lend you money', 'can I take you for dinner', 'come and stay awhile baby', 'here use my house', ' just till you get settled'.

Not just one person, not just family, not even just the family and the girls from college. All of the above and more, you know who you all are and I want you to know how much I appreciate you all.

For every offer I've said 'thank you so much, i really appreciate it' to, I've turned down ten similar. I've had calls asking how the job hunting's going, emails and sms's and more calls about the latest, the first day, the first week, the first weekend and how much am I anticipating it.

I've had sofa offerings and bed offerings and house offerings and clothes offerings and meals offerings and books sent in the mail and cash, secreted under vases for me to find, slipped into my hand, sent to me, popped into my bank account. If I had a biscuit for every 'let me get....' or 'you know you can always....', I'd be three stone heavier.

I freely admit this cos you all know me well enough to know I don't sponge, and that every gesture will be cherished for a long time and repaid, reciprocated and logged in the giant friendship vault behind my rib cage.

I'm getting sorted now. The salary looms and my time as a nomad seems destined to end soon.

I won't ever forget it though. When the chips are down, believe me, I've known who my friends are. I've known I'm home, right where I belong. To each and every one of you, thank you, a thousand thank yous.


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