Tuesday, July 19, 2005

How about this for an idea

How about I create a blog sight called pleasepleaseidon'twantyoutothinkI'mdesperate,butI'm desperateMsBirchill.blogspot.com. and I write stuff, begging letters and the like, and you lot write stuff, like why it's a good idea, and how I'm nice and don't really boil bunnies, even though it may sound like I do, and then we hope maybe someone from the media notices and the person who does 'blogs we've noticed recently' notices, or I actually send it to them in case they don't, and voila, a big media storm around how there's this girl begging julie to be her mentor. Then Julie agrees, gives in cos she's trying to write her next book / column, and all these people keep ringing her about some brat with a blogspot, so she says 'ok, just to shut the brat up' and the cameras go mad, big julie and little julie and I have a mentor, and she says 'give this girl a column and I'll make sure she doesn't write crap, cos she has promised she won't' and the dream is no longer a dream?
whaddya reckon?


Blogger Gruff said...

Anything is worth a try. As you said to me the other week when asking about following my dreams - why not?

What have you got to lose? The very worst that can happen is that she sees it and nothing happens. The next worst is that she doesn't see it and only your friends know about it.

But but but - what if? As I tell my cricket teammates when they are reluctant to appeal for LBWs - "If you don't ask you don't get".

Go for it, and with your wit and clever phrasing, if there is any justice someone will pick up on it.

Burchill was lucky - right place right time and all that. Well you don't have the cultural revolution that was punk to ride on, so you need to make it happen. And if there is anyone I know with the force of personality to do it, then thats you.

As they say on Rikki Lake etc "You go girl".

12:13 pm  

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