Tuesday, July 26, 2005

I'm scared

Of writing what I think and my blog getting me the sack.I'm writing, then wimping out from sharing it.
Of going on the tube, even though I have been.
Of shoot to kill, and the impact it'll have.

It's not like me to be scared.
I don't like it.


Blogger Xprints said...

damn them for making you feel scared. damn them for making the world unsafe. everyone needs at least some safety even if it's a tiny piece of cyberland to express your thoughts and feelings. i don't know how you would get the sack for expressing what you think in a blog but i could see it's possible, what with the confidentiality agreements and all.
it's tough work having a moral and political conscience, but someone has to have one. and everyone deserves the right to express those opinions.

11:15 pm  
Blogger Gruff said...

You are not alone. We're all in the same boat. Everyday something gives me that sickly fluttering of uneasiness in my stomach. I hate the fact that I now assess the potential risk posed by my fellow commuters when I used to revel in London's glorious multiculturalism.

It will pass. Life will get back to normal.

As for the blogs you write but don't post - why not archive them somewhere so perhaps when your situation changes you can make them public?

Blogging is not worth getting the sack for - although perhaps perversely being sacked for blogging might be a root into the media.

10:04 am  
Blogger The Gypsy said...

Thanks Gareth,

Nice to know I'm not alone. Have archived them, am a squirrel at heart!

Julie x

11:17 pm  

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