spurred on by the notion of Gareth
vocalising 'Go Girlfriend' Rikki Lake stylie, I've set it up. No pressure, but please help - and make sure the comments are well edited and witty cos you're not an extension of my ego - unless I'm talking to Julie in which case you totally are. And Ms' Saltrese, West, Schurrmans and Howard, time to bring those lightning wits out of hiding. Help, I need you! All of you!
To those already regular contributors, I thank you, I bow to you, you are the food that fuels my ramblings.
Stops hyperventilating at what she perceives to be her own bravery - wonders is half past noon is too early for a glass of wine?
Oh, and clarifies for those who may be confused, I now have two blogs, one intended to get Julie Burchill to mentor me, the other, this one, for you lot only.
Could not find dipmeinchocolateandfeedmetomsburchill.blogspot.com Nannie Pammie
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