as meatloaf once said 2 outta 3 ain't bad
I devised a new dating stratgy on the way back from Italy
It went
journalist / human rights lawyer
with a caveat that 1/3 had to be drop dead gorgeous
It was mostly a joke
So the girls thought
it's progressing nicely
i've found a journalist - very sexy
and a musician - ditto sexy. I was thinking sexy singer / guitarist - soulful / coldplay-esque cool / not too rock
But will happliy settle for the classical violinist from a symphony orchestra who I'm currently chatting to
Dates so far arranged 0
possibilities, infinite
expectation, at least one date booked by Sunday
The comedian is back to square 1.
Mr Lee Hurst, whom I'm happy to publicly out, having gone off, made an offer via sms
'fun sex or fun friend'
I questioned
'how fun is fun sex?'
he responded
'I can guarantee 100% I'll enjoy it'
I opted for fun friend 'as a starting point'
seems that's not enough. Haven't heard back since.
How much fun is fun sex likely to be with a self-gratificationist with a bad back I wondered?
How much can I actually do fun sex? Generally in bed, in love is my pattern. Have decided he's too dark, and falling far short of the 'treat me like a princess' requirement to be counted.
So, any other comedian intros would be gratefully appreciated so I can get 100% on date target. Seems a bit rude to ask him for the intros, call me sensitive.
Job front's looking up. My old department have at least one in mind for me, and searching for my dream social policy role.
I've had a fabulous week with my family, mum's birthday Monday, with sis and the neices, dad Tuesday, and sis and Nephew come to the big smoke for tapas and the South Bank tommorrow night. Makes the idea of a job seem depressing, but all good career breaks must come to an end.
J x
don't be crushed honey, see yourself as the inspiration
J xxxxx
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